  • MGB400-01
  • MGB400-02

MagCore® Genomic DNA Whole Blood Kit Speedy installation

For extraction of genomic DNA from human whole blood sample

MagCore® Genomic DNA Whole Blood Kit is designed for extraction of total DNA (including genomic, mitochondrial and viral DNA) from whole blood, plasma, serum and buffy coat. The pre-filled cartridge contains proteinase K, a chaotropic salt, and guanidine hydrochloride for cell lysis and protein degradation. They enhance the binding between cellulose-coated magnetic beads and DNA. High quality DNA is eluted by low salt elution buffer or water after the removal of contaminants. Purified DNA of approximately 20-30 kb is suitable for PCR or other downstream applications. 

MagCore® Genomic DNA Whole Blood Kit Speedy installation


High performance of purified DNA in downstream applications such as qPCR.

High analytical sensitivity.

Cartridges are pre-filled and sealed to prevent contamination.

Walkaway processing improves work efficiency.


The MagCore® Genomic DNA Whole Blood Kit is designed to allow automated processing of multiple sample types in the same run. Sample types include:

  1. Fresh and frozen whole blood
  2. Buffy coat
  3. Body fluids

High-quality DNA is available for various downstream applications, including:

  1. PCR and real-time PCR
  2. Genotyping or sequencing
  3. SNP, STR


DNA quality unaffected by anticoagulants

Anticoagulant  A260/280   Conc.(ng/µl) 
1. EDTA 1.87 99.3
2. Sodium Citrate 1.87 86.1
3. Lithium Heparin(4ml)  1.95 106.02
4. Sodium Fluoride 1.91 113.16
5. Lithium Heparin(9ml) 1.95 101.34

Linear Increase in DNA yield

Agarose gel electrophoresis 1

Lana M, RBC 1kb DNA Ladder Marker Cat. RD002 Lana 1~6,
Whole blood genomic DNA purification, all samples prepared at the same time.

Agarose gel electrophoresis 2

Lana M, RBC 1kb DNA Ladder Marker Cat. RD001 Lana 1~5,
PCR check inhibition with different anticoagulant; target gene Cbl-b gene 1.7 Kb Lana P : Positive control.

Consistent yield and purity

It is shown that there is a scalability of DNA isolation from blood
samples (20, 50, 80, 100, 150, and 200 μl) by the MagCore® HF16 
The amount of DNA was determined by A260 measurement.


Cartridge Contents

Cartridge Contents
  • Cartridge Contents
  • Cartridge Contents
  • Cartridge Contents
  • Cartridge Contents
  • Cartridge Contents
  • Cartridge Contents
  • Cartridge Contents
  • Cartridge Contents
  • 1

    Heat block Well 1

  • 2

    Heat block Well 2

  • 3


  • 4


  • 5

    Elution Buffer 1000μl

  • 6

    ddH2O 1000μl

  • 7

    Wash 2 Buffer 1000μl

  • 8

    Wash 1 Buffer 1000μl

  • 9

    Beads Mixture 500μl

  • 10

    Binding Buffer 1000μl

  • 11

    Lysis Buffer 500μl

  • 12

    ProteinaseK 50μl

  • 13

    Magnetic Beads Separation Well 1

  • 14

    Magnetic Beads Separation Well 2

Cat.No. : MGB400-01


Storage And Stability : Store at Room Temperature

Packing : 36 tests / Kit


Pre-Filled Cartridge Reagent ( 36 pcs )

Pipette Tip and Holder Set ( 36 sets )

Sample Tube ( 36 pcs )

Elution Tube ( 36 pcs )

Cat.No. : MGB400-01

Cat.No. : MGB400-02


Storage And Stability : Store at Room Temperature

Packing : 96 tests / Kit


Pre-Filled Cartridge Reagent ( 96 pcs )

Pipette Tip and Holder Set ( 96 sets )

Sample Tube ( 96 pcs )

Elution Tube ( 96 pcs )

Cat.No. : MGB400-02
