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112024 Dec新聞分享RBC Bioscience 祝您2024聖誕快樂
302024 Jul新聞分享拉法生醫攜手ANGLE plc UK 簽循環腫瘤細胞技術創新應用MOU
302023 Nov新聞分享拉法生醫全自動核酸純化PCR機台 「MagCore EDA」首登醫科展!
072020 May新聞分享TAIWAN: Has Reported 5 Days in a Row Without Any New Cases of COVID-19
202019 Sep新聞分享Assessing the Diagnostic Value of Plasma- cfDNA in Prostate Cancer Screening
022019 Aug新聞分享Identification of a novel somatic BRCA2 through NGS and High Resolution Melting Analysis
152019 Jul新聞分享Association of HPA Polymorphisms with Susceptibility to Hepatitis C Virus Infection
182019 Apr新聞分享Heterogeneity and frequency of BRAF mutations in primary melanoma
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262019 Mar新聞分享Lung cancer is an important public health problem and the leading cause of cancer dead worldwide
132019 Mar新聞分享A Simple Algorithm for Population Classification
062019 Mar新聞分享Fluorescent quantitative PCR detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in tissue sections ...